Friday 5 April 2013

Content is my favorite colour.

Throughout this week we have seen a number of mother natures mood swings. Beautiful outdoor weather to mini blizzards that interrupts our plans. Still, we managed to get out and play a little bit.  They have some excellent stay and play programs here that we are lucky to take part in. I love the diversity of the toys and that my boys can interact with other children since they spend so much time with one another.  More often then not I see them sitting with each other in the corner of the room. They are still young yet and social interactions change as they get older.I'm looking forward to seeing them make some more friends. They are so kind to each other. Watching their relationship get stronger everyday makes me smile.

Rhys is in school all day and I think I struggle with that just as much as he does. I drop him off every morning usually with a pep talk on how he will have fun with his friends. He is so afraid of missing time with us that he usually gets upset. Although, he gets bored with too many days at home. At times, frustrated that Tristan and Olliver 'accidently' knocked over his block tower once again, or that he can't go outside to play right now because they are napping and so on. Yet he would rather be with them. He is having trouble fitting in at his new school. He is getting quieter and more reserved then he used to be. At the beginning of the year he had problems with being bullied by older kids on the bus and a boy in his class. After a lot of meetings at the school and us not agreeing with the lack of change we moved schools. He is having trouble with trust. I hope it will get better with time. Until then I listen, we try to come up with ways he can feel more comfortable. Working through it together.

Rhys has an hour of homework every night! Seems like a little much for grade 1...


Monkey see, Monkey do.

Keeping house.
Our days are busy. Some days I feel like a taxi, a maid, and Jane of all trades... There is a never ending to-do list that seems to get longer rather then shorter. Trying to do it all. I have learnt through a number of inspiring women that you do a little rather then all. You will feel better. Having a larger family is a lot of work and we only have 3! But to be honest, I love the hustle and bustle.I love hearing the pitter patter of little feet. I love seeing toys and books all over my floor being enjoyed. I love taking care of these little guys. Teaching them to be good people. To be respectful men. To be responsible. To be unique. To be fun and funny. To be passionate.  And my husband, he is a wonderful man, a wonderful father to these three little boys. I hope they learn so much from him. As we learn from them each and every day. Today, they reminded me of patience.
Yard work is exhausting!

I was lucky to stumble upon a blog that has inspired me to pull out some of my old preschool/nursery school activities from back when I was still doing my Early Childhood Education. I am not entirely sure why I didn't think to bring it out for boys earlier but it only makes sense. I do miss the activities so much and Tristan is at the age where he has become such a little sponge. He can only benefit from it. Also, it is so much fun being apart of my boys learning. Since Tristan is only two we are going to start with colours. I will post our activities here as well. Citing my sources,of course :) I am thankful for such a wonderful online community that inspires women to be better mother's, sister's, friend's and more positive in their every day lives. Spread the love!

Above my boys are playing with some edible sand. (flour, vegetable oil, cars, trucks, dinosaurs). I stumbled on this idea from Mahlke Chronicles blog :) The loved it! The sensory aspect of it really helped Tristan get used to the idea of being dirty. He doesn't really like it and wanted to wash his hands a lot at the beginning. By the end, he was dirty and he said that was okay! We made some progress today.
Happy Friday Beautiful People

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