Thursday 21 March 2013

A Penny for your thoughts...

It has been awhile. I sit here on a normal Thursday evening with my hubby, watching Grey's Anatomy with my hand buried deep in a bowl of popcorn. Boys were in bed early. It has been a tiring week and I am so ready to bring in the weekend. The past week has been 'exciting' to say the least. My little guy, Olliver has a seizure on Friday evening. His temperature spiked, we gave him some ibuprofen and it was too late, he started seizing just minutes later. One of the scariest moments in my life.

Best Buds Forever
I should mention that in the past 7 years, I am no stranger to the emergency room. My boys have been through NICU, CAT scans, frequent hospital stays... and now a seizure. It is something we will be keeping an eye out for. I have been told it's very common. Done the scary research of what to watch for and told how to handle it when/if it happens again. I hope it won't. On brighter news, Olliver is feeling much better. He is back to running around playing, climbing and being the regular little stinker we know and love. Unfortunately, this bug has made an appearance in Tristan now. Poor little man. Feverish, no energy, coughing, and throwing up... oh I wish for healthy boys. But the rest of us are all healthy.

On another note, have you ever noticed when you step away from your regular day to day activities, like chores... how it is nearly impossible to catch up. I'm kind of feeling like a failure of a wife/Mom right now. Piles of laundry... we had a macaroni for supper the other night... I ran the dishwasher with very little in it, because I didn't feel like doing the dishes. I am going to stay away from the word "lazy" though.... Its one of the words that probably bothers me the most. Mostly because on the days that the housework falls behind, those are the days I have been fully present with my kiddos...making memories and being silly. Besides, who am I doing the housework for anyways? For us... and it will be there waiting for me later. Does anyone else feel the pressure to do it all? Like this generation has a whole new level of parenting. Where if your children (other then those who are actually allergic) are on dairy, egg, gluten free, paleo diets. Screen free homes, those who over-use technology, those who want to know the parents of their children's friends and those who don't really care, Independence vs. dependence, stay-at-home Moms/dads vs working parents. There is this constant pull and somewhere along the line did someone decide there was one right way to parent? To do it all? To have the chores done, a clean house, happy kids, happy parents??? Just a thought. I personally believe every family has a right way and step back, never judge what you do not know. Acceptance.

Now an over load on cuteness, because I can't help myself.
So proud. (He is not the only one.)

On top of the world.

Following in Mama's footsteps, a good cup of tea, can fix nearly anything.

Oh, and these curls... Don't they just make you swoon...
I just can't bring myself to cut them... even though I keep getting "She is soooo cute comments."

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

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