Monday 1 April 2013

Oh, beautiful day.

Our Easter was full of love, laughter, playing, reading, crafting, and snuggling. I probably couldn't have asked for a more enjoyable Easter weekend. It started out with a drive down to Grampa and Grandma's for a wonderful supper. The boys got to play with their cousins for the evening. Eat, cuddle and make memories. Holiday's this year have been especially difficult for me being away from my side of the family for the first time. But I was lucky to have married into a wonderful that make me feel very much at home.  It's still hard but we are making our own traditions and it still is very special. That way the boys always have the same traditions regardless of the Province, City, or home they are celebrating them in. It's important to me that we have roots. No matter where we are.
Sleepy boys on car rides.

We had beautiful weather this weekend. Actual sweater weather which we took advantage of by spending hours in the backyard. Doing some bike riding, sliding, and yard work. Tristan can ride a trike this year! This is so exciting. He is two and a half and growing up too quickly if you ask me. Don't you wish you could just pause moments? He is so proud. I couldn't stop smiling watching him pedal his little heart out.

Olliver is actually getting to enjoy the exploring side of outside this year. Him actually being mobile makes getting out so much easier. With the little ones being so close in age it has been a challenge in the past. Now it seems to be getting easier. Don't get me wrong, I feel as if my eyes are going to pop out of my head keeping a close eye on both of them making sure they don't go too far from Mommy. This is something I struggle with. A healthy limit that lets my boys explore that I am comfortable with. I like to keep them safe, within close reach. They naturally do not like to explore too far. They like being close too. For now. Rhys on the other hand is seven. He has been pulling away for some independence for the last year now. We live in a fairly safe area but I need to see him still. He gets frustrated with me. I often get, "But ____ is allowed to..." I like to know his friends, their parents and so on. He is not allowed to cross streets by himself and has his limits between our home and his friends three doors down. I'm told I am over-protective, uptight.... but how else do you let them explore but keep them safe? I have read articles on Free-range children but I don't feel comfortable with too much freedom but enough of that for now. Another post is in order.

Easter goodies include colouring books, stickers,
jump ropes, bubbles, chalk, craft supplies, sometimes
new shirts, and a few treats. Our attempt at
reducing their sugar intake!
Our Eggcellent Easter.

We have the boys put their baskets out the evening before
just as they do for Santa and their stockings.

Daddy and Tristan

Oh, moments like Easter Egg hunts and pure joy on little one faces as they are searching, finding, collecting, and sharing their treasures reassure the feeling of how much parenting rocks. This is what it is about. Giving these little people happiness. Memories. Teaching them through experiences.  The boys all got to participate in the egg hunt this year. They all had their parts. Rhys read the clues the Easter bunny left in their eggs to find their treasures. (ie. Where do we wash your clothes? Where does Ollie eat? Where does Rhys sleep? Where does Tristan take bubble baths?) They went up and down, finding eggs with stickers, lip balm, treats, cars until they found their baskets. Hidden in the front foyer. Away from kitty's who would more then likely think they were waiting there for them. They had so  much fun. Curtis and I probably had more fun just watching them work together. Helping out when needed. Last year Curtis was on training so I played Easter bunny on my own. He is so much better at hiding eggs then me! It was fun to share the hiding with him. It was fun watching him enjoy the boys. After a fun morning doing silly Easter things we were off to enjoy church with close friends. Trying to teach the boys the meaning behind Easter. This is harder as we really are not ready to expose them to the "scary" parts. We more or less skip the dying and focus on what we are to take from the actions. What they need to remember.  As they get older, as they ask more questions we will elaborate more. Take the opportunity to instill the christian faith and values in their lives at every chance. Easter being just one cornerstone of their faith.

 Some more moments from our weekend.
I always get my butt kicked.
They take turns sitting on each others lap.
Cuddles with trusty pooh bear.

This face, these eyes make me smile.

Risky business. Tom Cruise is no match for this feller.

And after a wonderful extended weekend of 4 days of bliss we will return to regular scheduled programming with play groups this week, library visits, grocery shops, pick up/drop of school, gymnastics and loosing track of time outside. Trying to get into a normal routine while juggling two naps, appointments and obligations. We will have good days, bad days, relaxing days, rushed days, days that try patience and those that just run with such ease. But this is what it is all about. The ups the downs. The beauty in raising little people. It's all how you approach it. Isn't it?


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