Friday 13 March 2015

No excuses

I am the queen of excuses. It comes naturally. I hide behind our crazy life a lot. Now it doesn't always seem crazy to us but it can be. But I have forgotten about myself. I am busy being Mom and I forgot my hobbies and interests. I don't know what kind of music I like anymore. I haven't unpacked my scrapbooking stuff since I moved over a year ago. And yoga, yeah right....

I play cars and trucks, dress up, hide and seek. I grocery shop, do drop off and pick ups for preschool, meal plan, budget and do laundry. I make sure uniforms for school are clean and help with homework. By 8:30 pm the house in quiet. I am getting the house tidied and lunches made. That is about the time I collapse. Possibly bailing on a girls night, or something else fun. I get ready for bed, falling asleep 10 minutes into the movie I have been trying to watch the last three nights.

One morning I woke up and said to myself, there is more to me then being their Mom. Don't get me wrong, I love being a mom. It's wonderful, rewarding, but it's hard. I want to make time for yoga, friends and to start dating my husband again. I want to make time to do my makeup and put something on other then yoga pants. It truly is all about priority. If I prioritize myself just a little bit more then maybe I won't feel lost in my own body. In motherhood. Being able to give my best to my kids because i feel like myself. I don't want to make excuses anymore. I want to make it happen. 

Even though it may be too late for resolutions, it is never too late to stop making excuses. I will find myself again and figure out how I fit into motherhood without loosing sight of what makes me who I am. Waking up to more then those beautiful smiles. Which is enough because I am blessed to be their Mom. It is my dream come true.

Have you ever gotten lost in your chaos? Motherhood? Work? 

Our week in pictures: (and maybe a few words) 

Cinnimon buns for my little man. 

Working hard on our French opposits. 

Walks and hugs in the sunshine.

Staying in the warm because apparently putting her in the snow turns into a 10 minute meltdown that looks something like this...

Quiet time on mommy's iPad while Maddy and Ollie nap. (Is it just me or does T look so grown up here?) 

Emptying the dishwasher with a very cute helper.

Homework with my biggest baby. Am I still able to call him that even though he is 9!?! 

Getting out to be with the wonderful community and friends from Church. Such kind and welcoming people. The boys love Sunday school. and Tristan obviously feels comfortable enough to show his goofy side... Even though he was totally serious about this. And it hangs proudly on my fridge. 

The boys are very excited about snowboarding they even practice in the living room in their underwear. 

We are coming into the weekend with lots of organizing, walks, and outings on the agenda. The to do list has been made and seems to be growing at an alarming rate. purging our closet is the first on my list. I can't help but wonder why a man who wears a uniform to work has 32 ties! 32!?! I think that's a good starting point.

What are you doing this weekend?

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