Wednesday 18 March 2015

It will be a good day

A good day is sometimes a little hard to find when your knee deep in exhaustion from sick kids, hospital visits and ambulance rides. There can be dread of bedtime because who knows if your actually going to get to sleep. The laundry pile grows as the kids keep getting sick. Relying on your friends to help get you through the day and late night pep talks from people who care. 

This mom thing is really hard sometimes. It's hard to keep the house clean, make nutritious meals/snacks, keep them entertained, do laundry... The list goes on. It is especially hard when it is all going so completely wrong. Because of course it all happens when Curtis left on a work trip. Things spiraled out of control almost immediately. That black cloud hovered over our home as things all came crashing down. I started to feel sorry for myself and the pity party began.

It is hard not to get caught up in this negative thinking. To want to give up, climb back in bed and hide under the covers. But not today. And not tomorrow either. It's going to be a good day. If I keep saying it then it will be true. The power of positive thinking. 

And you know what? The antibiotics started to work their magic and my baby girl started to feel like her goofy self today. And my beautiful big boy, Tristan ran and jumped and ate a bit more today. Things could be worse. I am so very thankful to live where we have access to doctors, medicine. To know of alternative medicine and the benefits of oils to make my babies feel better when they are not
well. To know in a few days they will be their goofy, happy selves again. That it can be a good day because I have the power to make it a good day. 

The same innocence that makes us as their parents desperately want to protect them; And put them in a little bubble is the same one that teaches me to lighten up. Take a deep breath. Kisses make everything all better. 

Because sometimes they know better. Sit for a while, read some stories, cuddle. You'll feel better soon. 

It will be a good day. 

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