Wednesday 3 July 2013

When they grow up....

50 years down this road there are things I never want to forget. The important small, ordinary things that make up my day right now. Like how Olliver says "yup" to nearly every question he is asked. Regardless if he means it of not. 

How Tristan tells his own knock, knock jokes. "Knock, knock" whose there? "25"  (Tristan's favourite number), 25 who?? And he laughs and tells more, sometimes a cow that says moo, a chicken... Who knows.

I want remember Rhys' love of learning and excelling. His great sense of pride. His willingness to help. His patience( although fleeting at times). 

I want to remember their goofy ways of playing. The laughter and dirty footprints through the house. The pile of rocks and sticks, chestnuts and pincones at my door from their adventures.

I will want to remember the loads of laundry, baking cookies, making lunches, and homework help that make up
So much right now. Not everything documented has to be extrtrodinary... Even though I think bubble baths and popcorn movie nights are pretty special. 

Morning slobbery kisses and days with fevers and teething are rocking my world upside down. These days are here to remind me what I am here to do, to be to my family how innocent and sheltered they need to be while they are young. 

I want to remember my husband teaching them how to be a good husband. Through his happiness, honesty, commitment, values... How they watch him taking it all in. He is their hero... May he always be their hero. 

Hoping that they have happy, memorable childhoods... A mom who would walk through fire for each and every one of them. I just want to raise strong, happy, confident men. Respectful, responsible, Who love and are loved. Who come home to chat with their family... To teach them to value family, and friends... Is that so much to ask? Really though, I wonder what kind of men they will be one day...

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