Tuesday 27 January 2015

Taking care

As a mom we are constantly putting everyone before ourselves. The kids, the husband, pets and the home. Usually after all is said and done we are too tired to know how we are really feeling. I have officially been on my own for a month now. It feels like much longer. The little ones, stopped sleeping about 2 weeks ago. I have reached that zombie point of motherhood, I may have even surpassed it. After a bought of nausea and restless nights I finally attempted to get into a doctor. I never go to the doctor for myself. The kids get their well checks and we go if they are Ill but I don't go. It came to the point that I had to figure why I am feelling so lousy. After blood work we figured out I am highly anemic. Within a few weeks I should start to feel like myself again. I am happy to know it wasn't more serious. Listen to your body and what it is telling you is what I learnt from this.

Because I am guilty of this myself, and
Know how easy it is to forget about yourself I would like to remind other mamas to take care of themselves. Talk to a doctor. Because if you are not feeling your best, you can't give them your best.

Little moments of our week:

Up to no good I'm sure. These two are playing nicely together these days. Although, leaving poor Olliver out of the fun sometimes.

Lots of outdoor fun.

Hot cocoa all the time.

Madeline is officially on the move. Crawling and pulling herself up. She is quick and happy! She has a very demanding personality. She is passionate and let's you know it. But now that she can move. I have noticed her to be happier, easier to please. It's wonderful! 

Well we are continuing on our busy week. Hoping to get caught up on housework before my better half comes home for the weekend. The kids and I are so excited and I may even get to sleep in!!! 

Have a great week friends,

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