Sunday 11 August 2013

Every summer has a story.

As the summer deepens and the weather gets crisp I long for the days to stay long rather then the inevitable darkness. The mornings are cool, and the nights are comfortable. There is only 2 1/2 weeks left till school kicks off again. Part of me craves the routine that the fall brings, the new school clothes, the fall festivities, the moving on but another part wants to hold on to the summer. The later nights, not having to be anywhere in the morning, sandy feet and beach days on a whim.

We have been trying to find that nice balance between have down days at home with playing in the yard and hanging out with neighbourhood friends. It has been somewhat required since we are trying to potty train Tristan. Staying home seems to work the best as long day trips require lots of changes of clothes and a very frustrated little boy in the end. Its going on two weeks now and I actually think the excitement of the sticker chart and jelly beans have worn off and it has began to be more of a chore. He did so awesome at first and now I am getting tempers and down right refusing to even try. Is it possible he is getting worse?

I'm at that point that I either need to just push through or just move to pull ups and kind of half train?? Who knows but this is not easy! Not that I ever thought it was going to be, even though he kind of sucked me in with doing awesome the first 3-4 days. Anyways, I will continue that crazy happy dance and high fives until something happens. Perseverance, right?

What we have been up to the past couple of weeks:


We decided to try berry picking with the boys this year and I was surprised how well it went with all three. They loved picking the blueberries (Boo berries as Tristan and Olliver say) and loved eating them right off the bush. The farm we went to had a tractor ride out to pick the berries which was exciting and bumpy; they were all giggles.

Once we got to the berry bushes they all began picking and we ended up with two large baskets full not to mention the full bellies and tired boys afterwards. We plan to go again soon as we are nearly out of berries. Curtis and I took the opportunity to make a couple pies as well so none would go to waste. The boys have a new found appreciation for their fruits and vegetables as they started to ask questions where it comes from,  what grows in the ground, on the bushes... and so on. They loved picking all their produce at the farmers market and thinking of what the farmers do in order to give us nutritious healthy food to eat. We are trying to instill in them the deep rooted understanding and appreciation for our food, from the produce to the meat and how it keeps us healthy and full of energy. I have VERY picky eaters and this is making quite the difference with Rhys now that he is at the point he can understand it. Hopefully the little brothers with follow by example!

Finding days to get to the beach seem to be few and far between since the weather has cooled right down now. We tried to get out yesterday and we came home with goose bumps and blue lips. Not as much fun as we had hoped but the beaches here are too beautiful too avoid and if nothing else we got to play in the sand, which is always fun.  

As Curtis returns to work and we have a busy week ahead of us we just enjoyed our Sunday getting some laundry done, and being present with the boys. Dealing with the temper tantrums, rough housing and the bedtime stories and the sweet kisses from a cuddly little sweet heart.

Tidbits about the boys this week:

Rhys: Wants to be more independent these days, he is now riding his two wheeler, tying his shoes, and reading! He is officially a BIG boy who still lets me carry him to bed.

Tristan: Is so funny, he insists on being called "Sweetheart" all the time. Loves to help with everything. He thinks the garlic press is for playdough and is convinced I am adding playdough to our food. He is struggling with potty training yet showing he is so ready.

Olliver: Freaks out if I leave a room, still! Even if Daddy is still there :( I am not sure if I should just let him deal but his stubbornness makes me think that will not even work... His vocabulary has skyrocketed this month, putting together 3 word sentences, while signing. Communicating to us his needs most of the time. We just need to sort out this separation anxiety before I go crazy!

Have a lovely week!

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