Friday 9 November 2012

A Boo and a Birthday.

As always there are so many things on my mind, things that occupy my time rather then writing here. I am hoping one day that will change. I am hoping one day soon I will have a little time to myself again. Don't get me wrong, being a stay at home mom I love, its what I was made to do. Loving, teaching, guiding, and laughing with these little boys is my favorite thing to do but I also have to remind myself that a little bit of me time is what keeps me loving being at home. Soon enough, I will be done with "single parenting" it as we military mom's refer to it as. Our 8 month stint will come to an end in just 2 weeks! I am anxious, I am excited! I am..... not looking forward to having to sleep on one side of the bed.... sigh. In 2 weeks I get to go join my husband in Kingston to watch his grad of the POET course. (please do not ask me what that stands for, and no, it is not poetry) I am very excited to get away on my own. Im hoping we can sneak a little tour of the city in while I am there too! But a little recap of the last couple weeks.
We have had a couple of birthday's. My beautiful baby Olliver is ONE!!! It's bittersweet really. My baby is growing up. He is walking around, starting to use his sign language and just show his personality. How strong and opinionated he is. This past year flew by! And to be honest, I was soooo scared one year ago. I had an eleven month old baby and a newborn craving for mama's attention all at the same time. But we made it through. Everyone had to adjust as every new baby and siblings. Olliver will most likely be our last baby. That is so exciting and a little sad all at the same time. I love the baby stage. I love carrying babies on my hips all day, singing to them, acting silly to scare away tears. But I am excited to sleep past 5am, and go to the park without having to load up a diaper bag. He is getting older and wants to do what Tristan and Rhys do now. He wants a little more independance away from mama at times. He is learning, and exploring everything and everywhere. He is ONE! 
Tristan plays with the wooden train set he and Olliver got for their birthday.

 Tristan is almost 2, well on Monday he will be TWO and he has grown up so much. I cannot believe his vocabulary. I contribute a lot of this to how we speak to our children. We use big words, and explain the meaning. He seems older then 2. He is self proclaiming, "No help" these days. I have been trying to give him the space to try everything on his own he wants to but offering to help when the frustration level starts to elevate. He is stubborn. He is so much like his father :) He runs around the house full of smiles and determination making demands on what we should do, "I paint, I cook, I wash dishes, I bath and so on. I try and let the kids dictate our day. Of course there are things I need to get done but in amoungst those things, there is aways time for play.
 I am loving the color of the leaves that Ontario has. I'm still in awe of the beautiful colors and picture taking potential it has.

So this picture is the best photo I got of the boys on Halloween. They were so giddy! I could barely get them to stay still long enough for a decent photo. But nonetheless it is a memory. Tristan got the hand of trick or treating very quickly. He held out his bucket always remembered his thank you's and please's. It was wonderful. So happy to be out like a big boy and not concerned at all with the treats. Which is good because the poor guy can't eat most of them due to his dairy allergy. We trick or treated for an hour and a half. Rhys running ahead with a friend. Wanting his independence but still popping back every so often to say hi.He is such a caring big brother. Showing the little ones the way. Such kind nature that one.
And a few more photo's of what we have been up to. Nothing like a couple of handsome boys to kick off your weekend! Happy Friday! I now begin the shakedown.(The act of frantically
cleaning my home and putting laundry away before my husband gets home for the weekend so he doesn't realize he married a pig. Its not really that bad.)

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