Wednesday 24 April 2013

I need you.

A short note:

My little guy, Olliver is one of those babies who would rather be held then play. He gets super shy is public places or crowds. If someone he didn't know tried to interact with him, he has a little meltdown. Heaven forbid I put him down to make a snack or supper. Most of his baby days were spent in a wrap attached to me. He is certainly a mama's boy. All my boys have been somewhat 'needy' for lack of better words. Even Rhys at 7 years old still hates to be alone in a room. He would rather colour and tell stories at my feet while I do dishes. Most days I love this.

But this week I am feeling a little crowded. I now have 3 little boys, one who wants, "uppy", and the other two who just need me in eye sight or I am tripping over. I tripped over them making lunch this week and then while trying to sneak a few minutes of alone time in the washroom noticed fingers underneath the door. Geez.... Boys. I am not entirely sure what other Mama's do to get some things done but I have never really used the whole, throw something on TV to entertain them much, but this week. That happened. And now I am feeling a little guilty. But my creative ideas to keep them happy has run dry and my laundry pile is getting ridiculous. How do you deal with little ones who need you and chores that are overcoming you?

 I do not want to sound ungrateful. I certainly do love his love. Their love. But just feeling a little crowded these days and nights with a nearly 18 month old who could use a little push to explore without mama holding him.

Faux Pox, I hope:
We have had a pretty low key week. There were some mysterious, itchy spots on Tristan on Monday, they have been consistent. To be honest, I thought they were chicken pox but after a trip to the doctor's and no other breakouts with the other kiddo's that has been ruled out. However, that does mean that their is another possible allergy to a food. And the hunt to find out what is causing it, seems to be never ending. Is it bad, that I wished it was chicken pox? Those go away and don't rule your life for years. Sigh... But I will keep a positive attitude and will forever do what will keep my little man healthy. Even if that means following a different diet, because it could be worse.


With plans this week to commit to potty training and crafts and even a date with my husband this weekend. I am looking forward to all the little 'needy' moments it will bring. And as always, I will deliver with hugs, kisses, block building and stories being retold time and time again.  Have a lovely day!


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