Saturday 4 May 2013

Getting down and dirty

The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful.  e.e. Cummings

I am a strong believer in letting kids, boys or girls get out and explore. Experience how a puddle splashes and then how they are wet, rather then telling them what will happen. I like to watch my boys scoop dirt, add water and make mud pies that we pretend to eat all afternoon long. I love when they tell me we need to add more ingredients and then we go on a amazing search for leftover acorns, grass, dandelions, and twigs to add to their awesome concoctions. 
They get dirt under their fingernails and behind their ears but that's okay, because we wash it away at the end of the day.
We have been blessed with a beautiful week. It is the beginning of May and Mother Nature called for us to wear shorts, sandals, and t-shirts all day. My boys were tucked into bed this Friday night with all their faces sun kissed. It makes my heart smile in so many ways.

Have you noticed how being outdoors is good for the soul?
 I have. On Thursday I was having a "cranky pants" day. These are what we call days in this house when someone needs to go back to bed and wake up on the other side. And Thursday it was my turn. I was emotionally and physically exhausted. Feeling homesick and sorry for myself. We dropped everything and spent the entire day outside. We enjoyed ice lemonade on slides and it helped. A lot. I felt better.(Even after a call home to my Mum that evening where she gives me the pep talk about putting a smile on my face and I will feel better. Mum's have an amazing way of cheering one up, don't they?) My point is, that being outside really does wonders for my mood. My advice to anyone who is having a bad day, let the laundry and dishes wait, take your kiddo's outside and forget for a few hours what was getting you down. It truly puts perspective in your life. 
Long Days, short nights.
It is no secret that over here at the Dafoe household the days are long and the nights are short. Meaning that for quite some time now I am been battling with horrible sleep schedules with the boys. By this I mean, they are up many times a night between Tristan and Olliver approximately 4 (on a good night) and 12 (on a bad night). Its had been getting a little much as the rest of us very much enjoy our sleep. Rhys transforms into a teenager I tease between the hours of 8:30pm and 7am when I need to wake him for school. I could probably throw ice water on that boy and he wouldn't even bother to open his eyes. That is not the case with his little brothers. Unfortunately.
I have googled ways to change up sleep patterns and talked with my girlfriends trying everything possible. But in the last few weeks, knock on wood, it has been getting better! (You can picture me doing a happy dance here) And by better I do mean that the babes get up each once throughout the night and then Tristan wakes up at 5:30am for the day. While the rest of the house sleeps we creep downstairs for morning stories, cuddles, hot tea and milk until the rest of the world wakes up. I have chosen to embrace these early mornings and I am thankful for it. I enjoy this time with Tristan. A blessing in disguise I am sure.
Until next time, xoxo.

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