Friday 17 May 2013

This moment.

With each day I hope it lingers a little more to get that last little bit in. Whether it may be laundry put away or to ride our bikes a little longer. It never seems to be long enough. Today on the other hand, I was rushing through, I was haste with the kids while doing things that I shouldn't have been. I'm physically, emotionally exhausted. I think they could sense it too. I made a massive carafe of tea, to get me through my morning. My eyes were so heavy, I can't remember the last time they were so restless at night, or better yet, why they were so restless.

After a long night last night, getting up more times I could count, saying I was tired was an understatement. When the alarm finally rang this morning I was slow to move but the boys were ready to start the day. I couldn't even gather my thoughts. Unfortunately, I slacked on mama duties, handing Rhys a mix of a lunch and giving Curtis money and a store bought Danish as he ran out the door. Thankfully it was a short day for him since it is a long weekend this weekend so the course got sent home at lunch. It was a good thing too. Because the boys didn't want to nap either today. Where do they get all that energy? I swear, if I could bottle it and sell it I would be a billionaire.

When Curtis got home I snuck away to shower and lay down. Feeling much better come supper. Afterwards, we enjoyed a long bike ride on some trails behind our house. I do love these trails. It made my day. That little bit of time to myself is what I truly needed. I don't do that often. To be honest, I don't know the last time I did do that. From morning to night I walk with my boys through their routines and adventures. Answering questions, fixing meals, cleaning them up, the house, being a taxi to and from school, errands... It was getting to me. I have made a promise to myself to have a little time on my own. To do what I would like to do. I feel as if it makes me a better Mama, and a better wife.

Not that I am complaining, because there is nothing I would rather be doing. I just need a break once in a while. That's all. I just want to be my best for them, have the patience and energy to run and play. To keep up.

How do you take a break and refresh for your kiddo's?

This moment I am enjoying.
Long bike rides with my favourite guys.
Our great escape. And with any hope all this fresh air will make sleeping come a little easier.


On a side note, I should probably rethink my idea to take spin classes. My butt sure hurts tonight and I can't imagine it feeling any better by morning. Ouch! 

Backyard Adventures.
While Rhys is at school we find our own adventures. Usually close to home. While we wait for him to be done so he can join us. I love how the little ones will ask throughout the day, "we go get Rhys now?" They love him so much and look up to him a lot. Brothers are something special.

Cute toes and baby giggles.
While we wait for the little guy to get done school we read stories and do finger plays.

Science experiences and the love of learning.

We talk about how certain ingredients react to different temperatures. Rhys learnt that you have to add the colours  to make it "look like grape flavoured" and then the fun part of course was the taste testing. A super fun activity.

We hope you have lots of moments this weekend that make you smile!



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