Thursday 23 May 2013

Hi my name is Tasha, and I am a stay-at-home Mom, and... I like it!

The other night while watching my little man at gymnastics I sat on the bleachers with the other mama's. Every week we sit here and chat small talk as we don't know each other very well. Most of them are from around here.  One Mama was asking when I was planning on heading 'back to work'? For a second I thought, and then quickly answered, "When the kids are all in school full time (of course)." and then we moved on. But, I lied... it's horrible I know. But in my defense, I love being a stay-at-mom. It truly is the hardest job and most rewarding job ever. But for so many reason's I most likely will not be going back to work when my boys are grown and in school. I didn't really want to hear the shudder from the other mom's I chat with, or the moment of awkward silence where I feel like I need to explain myself. They all have children Rhys' age (7) or older and now all are happy and back to work. Which I am totally appreciative of women who love to work and want climb the occupational ladder, break through the invisible ceiling. But me, I love taking care of my family. Being a Mama and wife is what I was born to do. And I am lucky that I have that option and a husband that supports which ever decision I choose to go with.

With our family moving every 18 months right now, it's hard to find a reason to go job searching, Find child care and such. Not worth the hassle. I actually have a degree in Early Childhood Education and would be working with other children when I would much rather be with my own. I wouldn't feel like I would be giving it my all. With very little stability I like that no matter what, my boys can rely on me to drop off/pick up, doctor appointments, clean their blue shirts for blue shirt day, make cute lunches in heart shapes, have home baked goods always around, and so on. But there I go explaining myself... The point is, I work hard. And rarely have a chance for a rest till the boys are fast asleep.

Even though, women have such a wonderful option of being able to work, provide for their families along side their husbands/partner's, I often wonder when being a stay-at-home mom became something that caused such a shudder? When did it become shameful? or an uneducated and lazy answer?  Because you are still working, 24/7 and getting so much from it, more happiness then any pay cheque could provide me with...

On another note,

We had a busy week as always. With the normal day-to-day errands, grocery shopping, library visits, school field trips, play-dates, and then hiding from the lousy rain trying to muster up something fun and innovative to keep little one's from going stir crazy.

We had a impromptu  visit the beach and marina while
Rhys was at a birthday party in the city.

Getting out to the beach makes you feel like summer is truly here. But the chilly water of the Bay reminded me it was only May. It was much too cold for a swim but the warm sun was perfect for playing in sand and making sand castles. I think I am going to live at the beach this summer. Just because.
We had pancake mornings with super cool dudes in glasses. Unfortunately, the pancakes turned out a little sad... (Excuse the bad joke, I couldn't help myself.)

I am pretty sure that the Ice Cream Truck is a staple in childhood. The song that plays as it slowly drives down streets wakes sleeping boys from naps with excitement. They run out to meet it and happily order their cones. Even Ollie can say, "Iss ceam peeeese" this year. I love it. I have to admit I love it too. It just tastes better coming off that truck as neighbours gather. The boys share swirly cones and a few get dropped in the dirt. But it certainly is worth every lick, every sticky hand and spoiled supper. Tristan can now tolerate dairy to a certain point and watching him enjoy a real ice cream cone is precious. None of this Rice Cream for him this year. Giving me hope that one day, he won't have any.
Once the long weekend ended and we returned to reality, the rain set in. It is Thursday and it keeps pouring down with the wind howling all day and night. It truly is miserable out there. The boys look out the window singing, "rain, rain, go away, come again another day"... They are in much need of vitamin D. As am I.
We slowed the pace down with library visits, stay and play group and craft time. Dreaming of summer and flip flops rather the rain boots and umbrellas.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week! It is what you make of it, and make it a happy one!

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